Closely Watched Trains(Ostře sledované vlaky)
Dir: Jiří Menzel
Czechoslovakia, 1966, Czech/German, 88mins, DCP
Cast: Václav Neckář, Josef Somr, Jitka Bendová
Juxtaposing obscenity and tragedy in true poetry, Menzel’s lauded directorial feature and Oscar win is affectionately remembered as one of the pinnacles of the Czech New Wave. Penning the script together with the novella’s author Bohumil Hrabal, the director imbues his Nazi satire with wit and slapstick, while gracing his naive character – a young apprentice railroader – a sense of tenderness as he encounters a universe of frustration and adventure during his attempt of liberating from virginity. Oblivious to the war, the boy-turned-man inadvertently becomes an unsung hero.
Academy Awards: Best Foreign Language Film
21/10 (Sat): Seminar with Michal Bregant (CEO, Národní filmový archiv, Prague) and Joyce Yang. Conducted in English.
PREMIERE Elements (Venue)
EMP Cinemas Times Square (Venue)
Chinese Subtitles
Post-screening talk
Full House