Diary for My Father and Mother(Napló apámnak, anyámnak)
Dir: Márta Mészáros
Hungary, 1990, Hungarian, 116mins, DCP
Cast: Zsuzsa Czinkóczi, Jan Nowicki, Mari Töröcsik, Ildikó Bánsági
Made possible by perestroika and glasnost, the final installment of the ‘Diary Trilogy’ touches on the most sensitive and heartrending page of Hungarian history. In the wake of the failed 1956 uprising, Juli returns to Budapest, only to see a shattered homeland where every life is permeated with brutality, fear and anxiety, as Soviet forces invade to regain domination. What ensues the New Year Eve’s party where friends and foes revel is arrest, trial and execution. A profound commemoration of history as Mészáros experienced it, bearing witness to the horrors of totalitarian oppression and paying tribute to those who had the courage to speak the truth and resist.