Europa(a.k.a. Zentropa)
Dir: Lars von Trier
Denmark/France/Germany, 1991, English/German, 107mins, DCP
Cast: Jean-Marc Barr, Barbara Sukowa, Udo Kier
Max von Sydow’s ominously hypnotic voice-over inaugurates the final instalment of von Trier’s fever dream of postwar Europe wreckage. The highly idiosyncratic mystery traces the journey of an idealistic American who, taking a job as a train conductor in postwar Germany, finds himself plunged into a Kafkaesque world of intrigue, betrayal and revenge. Flamboyant for his disjointed style and bravura visual pyrotechnics using double exposures, rear projections and trick photography, the ambitious director places his characters inside a multi-layered universe under the shadow of Nazi menace, conjuring a moral tragedy – alongside ostentatious visual grandiose.
Cannes Film Festival: Jury Prize, Technical Grand Prize and Best Artistic Contribution
18/1 (Sat): Film talk with Bryan Chang
In-theatre Screening
Lars von Trier, The Provocateur from Hell
Full House 2025-01-18 (Sat)
18:45Full House 2025-02-23 (Sun)
PREMIERE Elements (Venue)
Chinese Subtitles
Post-screening talk
Full House