Hear the Song of the Wind(Kaze no uta o kike)
Dir: Omori Kazuki
Japan, 1982, Japanese, 99mins, 35mm
Cast: Kobayashi Kaoru, Shingyoji Kimie, Makigami Koichi, Sakata Akira
Though Murakami Haruki has dismissed his early novels – including this one – as works from his ‘immature period,‘ Omori Kazuki’s adaptation is nevertheless an enjoyable and freewheeling rumination about youth, the frustrations of artists, love and music. Set over a university student’s summer vacation in his hometown of Kobe, the story moves between his encounters with his best friend Rat, a record store employee whom he becomes infatuated with and his memories of past relationships. Using a playful and inventive cinematic language to adapt Murakami’s spontaneous narrative, Omori creates a mellow hang-out movie unlike any other feature based on Murakami’s works.
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M+ Cinema (Venue)
Chinese Subtitles
Full House