I Am a Cat(Wagahai wa neko de aru)
Dir: Ichikawa Kon
Japan, 1975, Japanese, 115mins, 35mm
Cast: Nakadai Tatsuya, Namino Kuriko, Itami Juzo
Two decades after making The Heart, Ichikawa Kon returned to reworking the literature of Natsume Soseki. This time the director took on the feline-narrated novel I Am a Cat, a popular satire of the Meiji-era upper middle class first published in 1905. At the home of a teacher (the great Nakadai Tatsuya), an unnamed moggy takes up residence and observes the curious nature of the man and a stream of visitors. Gossipy neighbours, political intrigue and comical efforts to keep up appearances come together as Ichikawa pastes up a quirky collage of social observation, offering a satirical commentary on human follies.
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M+ Cinema (Venue)
Chinese Subtitles