Inside Llewyn Davis
Dir: Joel Coen, Ethan Coen
USA / France / UK, 2013, English, 104mins, DCP
Cast: Oscar Isaac, Carey Mulligan, John Goodman, Justin Timberlake
There’s a pervasive sadness to the Coens’ story of a struggling folk singer in the early 1960s, but rather than dampen the mood, it serves as an ode to the artistic spirit who rebels without applause. Llewyn Davis is a penniless, couch-surfing musician who stubbornly suffers for his art at every turn, while everyone around him appears to be selling out for a quick buck. Reuniting with musician T Bone Burnett after the success of O Brother, Where Art Thou ?, what emerges is a pure poetry in celebration of art for art’s sake.
Cannes Film Festival: Grand Prize of the Jury
In-theatre Screening
Full House 2023-09-23 (Sat)
17:45Full House 2023-10-29 (Sun)
EMP Cinemas iSQUARE (Venue)
EMP Cinemas Times Square (Venue)
Chinese Subtitles
Full House