One + One (a.k.a. Sympathy for the Devil)
Dir: Jean-Luc Godard
UK, 1968, English, 96mins, DCP
Cast: Anne Wiazemsky, Mick Jagger, Brian Jones, Keith Richards
When plans to shoot a project in England about abortion were scrapped, Godard agreed to direct another film in the UK should either The Beatles or The Rolling Stones be involved. The result was One + One, in which rehearsal footage of the Stones recording ‘Sympathy for the Devil’ is intercut with (1) ‘Outside Black Novel,’ a tableau of black militants declaiming revolutionary rhetoric at a junkyard, (2) ‘All About Eve,’ a pastoral interview by journalists of Democracy Eve (Anne Wiazemsky) where she answers either ‘yes’ or ‘no,’ and (3) ‘Heart of Occident,’ staged at a pornographic bookstore in which bourgeois fascists torture Maoist youth .
PREMIERE Elements (Venue)
EMP Cinemas Times Square (Venue)
Chinese Subtitles