Seisaku's Wife(Seisaku no tsuma)
Dir: Masumura Yasuzo
Japan, 1965, Japanese, 93mins, 35mm
Cast: Wakao Ayako, Tamura Takahiro, Chiba Nobuo
Contrasted profoundly with the inexorable militarism, Masumura’s unruly romance and riveting sensuality of the rebel lovers ring the bell of awakening against imperialist ideology and blind obedience that infiltrated wartime Japan. Regarded as a fallen woman, the ostracised Okane overcomes her loneliness through the love of Seisaku, the village’s model soldier and bright hope. Her drastic action to prevent her husband from committing selfdestructive mission on the battlefield embraces both the liberating and the destructive power of compelling passion – the most powerful weapon of enlightenment.
Blue Ribbon Awards: Best Actress and Best Supporting Actor
Kinema Junpo Awards: Best Actress
Hong Kong Arts Centre Louis Koo Cinema (Venue)
Tai Kwun
Chinese Subtitles