
The Five Obstructions(De fem benspænd)

  • Dir: Jørgen Leth, Lars von Trier

  • Denmark/Belgium/Switzerland/France, 2003, Danish, 90mins, DCP

‘It’s completely insane.’ So declares Danish auteur Jørgen Leth when he was asked to remake his avant-garde short film, The Perfect Human, five times over – but under a series of outlandish obstructions and constraints defined by his fellow filmmaker von Trier. From allowing only 12-frames in one take, to shooting in the bleakest place on earth, their cinematic duel becomes Dogme-tically diabolical, as the exasperated Leth resourcefully transforms obstacles into opportunities, exemplifying the infinite elasticity of his medium and artistry. A cinematic game of deconstruction and reconstruction, made all the more inspiring through artistic interplay and improvisation.