The Tarnished Angels
Dir: Douglas Sirk
USA, 1957, 91minmins, DCP
Cast: Rock Hudson, Robert Stack, Dorothy Malone
Sirk had read with admiration William Faulkner’s novel Pylon when it was published in the ’30s, and jumped at the opportunity to direct an adaptation reuniting him with the cast and producer of Written on the Wind. The title refers to a trio of barnstormers – a war hero turned stunt pilot addicted to racing his plane, his long-suffering wife, and a loyal mechanic devoted to them both – as seen through the eyes of an alcoholic reporter. Evocatively set during Mardi Gras in Depression-era New Orleans, The Tarnished Angels is a quintessentially Sirkian tale of failure – of individuals and a nation not living up to their promise – and a neglected masterpiece that is among the director’s most poignant works.
Hong Kong Arts Centre Louis Koo Cinema (Venue)
K11 Art House
Chinese Subtitles
* Please click here for the footnote on Dogme 95.
- On-the-day Ticket Purchase Arrangement : Tickets are available at URBTIX outlets until one hour before the screening, after which tickets are available at URBTIX website and mobile app. On-the-day tickets will also be available at the Self-service Ticketing Kiosk of the respective venue, subject to availability.
- Unless otherwise stated, all films (except English-speaking films) are subtitled in English.
- While it is the HKIFFS’s policy to secure the best possible print of the original version for all its screenings, the HKIFFS appreciates its patrons’ understanding on occasions when less than perfect screening copies are screened.