The Wild Child(L'Enfant sauvage)
Dir: François Truffaut
France, 1970, French, 85mins, DCP
Cast: Jean-Pierre Cargol, François Truffaut, Françoise Seigner
In his semi-documentary drawn from a sensational case history from 18thcentury France, Truffaut directs and gives a compassionate performance as Dr. Jean Itard, who adopted and tried to civilise a ‘wolf boy’ living a feral existence in the forest. Told with sensitivity and perceptiveness, the story strikes a chord with his father-son relationship with critic André Bazin. Deeply moving, it returns Truffaut to his keynote theme of the vulnerability and intensity of childhood, while he makes petty ironies on scientific investigation. His caring concerns for children and his thoughtful statements on the fundamentals of education and civilisation are as relevant today, forty years after his passing.
French Syndicate of Cinema Critics: Best Film
17/8 (Sat): Film talk with Sonia Au
In-theatre Screening
Buy Ticket 2024-08-17 (Sat)
16:4517AC02Buy Ticket 2024-08-23 (Fri)
Hong Kong Arts Centre Louis Koo Cinema (Venue)
M+ Cinema (Venue)
Chinese Subtitles
Post-screening talk