They Live
Dir: John Carpenter
USA, 1988, English, 94mins, DCP
Cast: Roddy Piper, Keith David, Meg Foster
They subvert our thinking, and control our lives, without us realising it. Skeletal aliens have invaded Earth, masquerading as humans while they enslave the public through subliminal advertising, publicity and TV programmes – until an unemployed drifter accidentally puts on a pair of sunglasses to discover this terrifying truth, and decides to wake the sheeple up. A campaign against Reaganomics, John Carpenter’s political satire is camouflaged as a cheesy, comical sci-fi B-movie, laying bare the dollarridden conspiracy of mass media, enterprises and politicians. Slavoj Žižek called it a ‘forgotten masterpiece’, which allows us to see the material force of ideology. Put the sunglasses on, and you’ll realise what it said 30+ years ago is a-go-go as ever.
22/9 (Sun): Film talk with Mimi Wong
EMP Cinemas iSQUARE (Venue)
Chinese Subtitles
Post-screening talk