Three Colours: Blue(Trois couleurs: Bleu)
Dir: Krzysztof Kieślowski
France / Poland / Switzerland, 1993, French, 94mins, DCP
Cast: Juliette Binoche, Benoît Régent, Emmanuelle Riva
Inspired by the motto of the French Republic, the Three Colours Trilogy was meant as Kieślowski’s valedictory statement exploring the meaning of liberty, equality and fraternity in contemporary life. In Three Colours: Blue, the mesmerising Juliette Binoche is the widow of a renowned composer, who seeks an existence free from any bonds after her husband and daughter die in a car accident, only to find herself inseparable from others connected to her in myriad ways. Kieślowski’s mystical vision of transcendent spiritual forces that unite us resonated within the context of a post-Cold War Europe on the brink of reunification and facing the anxieties of a new millennium.
Venice Film Festival: Golden Lion Best Film, Best Actress and Best Cinematography
1/7 (Fri): Speaker: Thomas Shin (Film critic and part-time university lecturer)
In-theatre Screening
Full House 2022-07-01 (Fri)
20:00Full House 2022-07-31 (Sun)
EMP Cinemas iSQUARE (Venue)
Chinese Subtitles
Post-screening talk
Full House