Dir: David Cronenberg
Canada, 1983, English, 89mins, DCP, Category III
Cast: James Woods, Deborah Harry, Sonja Smits
Exposure to a stray transmission containing pornographic snuff content causes cable TV operator to develop mind-warping hallucinations, drawing him into a political conflict whose opposing forces are fighting over a technology that utilises video signals to perform mass mind control. Aided by Rick Baker's groundbreaking special effects, Cronenberg's cult classic on the manipulative effects of media consumption and the satisfaction of our sexual desires through technology cemented his reputation as a sci-fi/horror auteur for the thinking man, while featuring compelling star turns by James Woods and Blondie's Debbie Harry.
Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival: Best Science-Fiction Film
22/10 (Sat): Film talk with Derek Lam
Hong Kong Arts Centre Louis Koo Cinema (Venue)
EMP Cinemas iSQUARE (Venue)
Chinese Subtitles
Category III
Post-screening talk
Full House