
Attack on a Bakery / A Girl, She is 100 Percent(Pan'ya shuugeki/100% no onna no ko)

  • Dir: Yamakawa Naoto

  • Japan, 1982 / 1983, Japanese, 17/11mins, 16mm

  • Cast: Cho Bang-ho, Suwa Taro / Kumamoto Kassei, Muroi Shigeru

In 1982 and 1983, Yamanaka Naoto adapted two of Murakami’s short stories into short films. In his rendition of The Bakery Attack, Yamakawa adds a humourous political component to Murakami’s story, which likens two desperate young men’s empty stomachs as a metaphor for a life lacking intellectual stimulation. In his adaptation of On Seeing the 100% Perfect Girl One Beautiful April Morning, the director visualises the protagonist’s narration about an imaginary future with his ‘100% girl’ using a slew of creative cinematic techniques, including breaking the fourth wall, colourful cutouts and stop-motion. Screening with Tony Takitani.

29/11 (Fri): Film talk with Ernest Chan


    In-theatre Screening